Thursday, November 26, 2009
If the heat's been turned up on your life...if you feel overwhelmed...if the pieces of your puzzle just aren't quite fitting together...don't force it! Go along for the ride and keep your arms inside the vehicle at all times! Re-ignite your sense of humor - tell stress you're not interested in his company today and no, you don't want his business card!
Put on your tap shoes and dance into this day with wild abandon - don't be afraid to be your own crazy self. You don't have to conform, just move forward with kindness and the beauty that is you. Others will look at you with amazement and wish they could be as free. Tell them - it's easy...take their ...hand and happily teach them the steps you've learned!
Did you know that your heart exudes 60% more electrical impulses than your brain? Another fact pointing to the benefits of thinking with our heart! You can pass all of life's little tests by just moving forward from love. After all, it IS the Un...iversal Language is it not? Love from the inside out
If Amelia Earhart, Albert Einstein, Jesus, Ghandi, Mother Teresa & others had not followed their intuition we would have been robbed of their greatest gifts. All brave people who, in spite of being ridiculed by short-sighted people, never lost their passion. Ignore the noise and give peace and to your creative, loving instincts. It takes courage.
Think balance beam - all it takes is a little wobble to knock you off your game. It's the same with life, but like an athlete, dust yourself off and get back on. All observers cheer when you complete your routine....and are inspired by the person who climbs back up after a fall....but it is you who gains the wisdom o...f the walk, the focus and yes...the practice. Practice being in balance and make it your routine!
Laugh every time you get a chance to on this beautiful Sunday. I'm sure that Creator would be delighted to know that you are having fun and living with light-hearted love. Giggle with the kids....laugh at at the mere fact that you are a living miracle that has the ability to nuture a sense of humor and ...share it with others. Laugh away your's infectious to for those around you!
Everything is Possible
Nothing is impossible when you're a child. What happened? It's not reality, it's learned failure. Is it common sense? Perhaps, but I hope your common sense tells you that, whatever it is, you can figure it out. Today, don't second guess your abilities! Show yourself that your unique perspective can make EVERYTHIN...G possible. Now, go contribute something grand to the day!
All People Have Purpose
All people in our space have a purpose. Some test our patience or give it. Others offer love or take it away. Still others give us purpose or try to make us feel worthless. The thing is...we're always able to choose the lesson. It's not's Universal! Stop, look and listen to your "teachers" today.......the most challenging or puzzling spirits are the ones that teach us the most!
I am a Piece of Divinity
Someone today may try to shame you - try to make you feel guilty or not as "perfect" as everyone else. Poor souls. They don't realize that they are simply projecting what they see in themselves but are too blind to recognize. Show compassion in the face of adversity....because, after all, you are a piece of the Divine.... Just breathe, bless and move on.
Live in Allowance
Know that other's don't carry the same vision as you...and that's in allowance. Focus on the intent that everything will be okay and open your heart to all possibilities.
Cool Idea
Cool Idea: Do you have one of those purses that you had to buy but it's so special you never use it because it could get dirty or messed up? I did...and I turned it into what I call a "Peace Purse". Inside it has all the things that bring me back to center lilke photos of my family & favorite places, a mini journal,... something from nature, a treat, etc.
Manifestation IS Real
Manifestation IS real. It's how the entire system works. See it happen. Bring it to life by thinking on it, being passionate about it, praying for it every day. The energy of your commitment is real to all of those around you and, most importantly, to your Source. Whatever you've been wishing for is on it's truly is. The trick is in the patience!
The Tinkerbell Philosophy

The Tinkerbell Philosophy: The Universe sprinkles us with it's own special fairie dust every day, giving us fun imaginations, happiness and compassion! It floats onto those we're around, onto the ground for others to pick up and into our hearts to lighten our load. Stretch out your arms so that you can gather the most ...fairie dust to start your you can give more throughout the day. It's simple, really.
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